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Thread WITH the new posts.

Legends: "Week" - last week posts, "Bold" - entered last 48 hours.
Music and WW3 872 
A lucid view inside of Russia 866 
I really do not want to talk too much on this subject on the site... 865 
Incredible! 858 
A contrapoint. 857 
Politics is the Face of Kleptocracy 857 
Or the opposite. 857 
10 points for the video production! 851 
No salesman... 851 
My only complaint is that the tools are not justified 848 
Do not believe news. 848 
Indian media. 848 
Invasion is so last century 841 
Invasion is what we did with Ukraine in 2014. 840 
Spot on! 839 
The Masters of War 839 
Masters? 838 
Masters? 838 
The Manufacture of Consent 838 
Not professional, pure PR it seems. 838 
Interesting article. 838 
Surprisingly accurate position in my view 826 
Telegram channels. 826 
Another interview 821 
Interesting read 771 
All context of this site except the Forum's posts Copyright © Roman Bessnow 2004-2024
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