Someone at AA’ sewers posted his measurements of Edgarhorn system, supplemented with a subwoofer and Fostex Tweeter. I do not know the poster personally, most likely he is another AA’s advice seeker – means another idiot - and therefore it is hardly possible to trust those measurements as those people hardly knew what and how they measure. In fact I have a suspicion, looking at that sweep, that this guy measured both channels….

Anyhow, I saw the Edgarhorn sweeps once, from the Vintage Audio Trader guy who use to post here, and I found it interesting to see what is going on with Edgarhorn.
The sweep looks truly horrible. I do not know how Bruce Edgar setting his crossovers but I do not think that he would release the system like this from his shop, though considering the scope of his customers he might "forget" to stick the MF drivers into the horn and those Morons would hardly notice it. Most likely this specific Moron got the speakers second hand, piled the horns up, connected them “as is” and calls the crap the coming form the speaker as “Sound”. The channels at the sweep are obviously conflicting, in fact in it looks like they are in conraphase, and it is even painful to look at this sweep. Sure, the “AA’s advisers” suggested to this poor guy that “it is actually looks very good” and “measurement doesn't look too bad”…
Anyhow, if anyone has any Edgarhorn’s RTA success stores then post it… Rgs, Romy the Cat
"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche