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03-13-2010 Post mapped to one branch of Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1
Post ID: 13135
Reply to: 13135
Altec Model 19 in Boston.
Yesterday a local hi-fi guy invited me to listen his new speaker. He picked up Altec Model 19 - I am known not to be a big fun of those speakers but they have own sound in the scale of non-demanding, off-the-shelf monitors.

Upon expecting the speakers (that always adored visually as they are VERY good size/proportion ) I can say that they were absolutely the best condition for 40 year old speakers that I ever seen. They were literally new – I have no idea how they were able to be preserved like this. The speaker has a pair of absolutely mint drivers. It is 416-8B, which that is fine for this port and the famously horrible 8111B sectoral horn with some kind HF driver that I never seen. It looks like a naked vision of the 802 driver with original Altec 802 symbiotic diaphragm.  Everything is absolutely mint with no even 40 year-old dust.

The speaker sound not juts horrible but it is just the worst sound I heard for years - and I am the specialist on bad sound! Interesting that this sound was  with all new and completely non-tempted Altec drivers. I never was a huge fan of Altec 19 but I know that they shall sound not even remotely close to what they did in this guy's room. The pooe guys is willing to get rid of them and was disappointed with his experience but I know that 416-8B and 802 in the configuration of Altec Model 19 can do so MUCH better than this. Does anybody has the Altec Model 19, or Model 5 or Model 7 in New England in order the guy were able to see/hear that the sound he gets is VERY much NOT where it have to be. I truly do not want him to get rid of THIS Altec 19. The condition of them is truly good for museum and properly setup and driven the shity Model 19 shall be very comparative or even better than most of the contemporary 50-60K loudspeakers.

If I need a second non-expensive setup then I would get them from his hands, to put in there better HF horn and S2 drivers and have a nice super sexy monitors (love them with grils!). The problem is that I do not need a second setup beside the Mini-Me level. I feel it would be shame if he let them go as Altec 19 might be much more tolerable then what he is getting how. He is using 300B set to drive them. I feel that 150W SS class A would be more suitable as the 300B dies as soon sound hits mezzo-piano. So, any Altec devotee near Boston to help to your new Altec user?

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-13-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 2
Post ID: 13136
Reply to: 13135
What Is So Bad?
Romy, what exactly was bad, and how?

Honestly, my knowlwedge and objectives were in infancy back then.  Also, it's been so long that my "memory" is probably crowded with parasitic ideas passing themselves off as memories.  But I remember the 808 driver was quite maddening.  My buddy and I wound up making tar-filled "511" horns and crossing them over at 800 Hz (still using basically stock Altec crossovers).  This crossover was obviously too high for the 515/bins, but it worked out considerably better for the tar 511 horn than using the smaller tin can horn at 800 Hz or using Altec's 500 Hz  X/O with the larger horn.  That "metal" 811 is a ratty-assed horn, one of the worst, ever.  It's probably not usable in any way.

I don't remember the 802, but if to do it again today, I would try to "make the most of" the 808's aggressive, spitty quality.  This driver responded all over the place to various adjustments, and I cannot say that I was really systematic, with evolved objectives, during the short course of my experiments.  I would definitely re-work the crossover.  And the horn is shite.  It's hard not to think of adding channels.

Best regards,
Paul S
03-13-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 3
Post ID: 13137
Reply to: 13136
Good speakers to cut sushi....
 Paul S wrote:
Romy, what exactly was bad, and how?

Honestly, my knowlwedge and objectives were in infancy back then.  Also, it's been so long that my "memory" is probably crowded with parasitic ideas passing themselves off as memories.  But I remember the 808 driver was quite maddening.  My buddy and I wound up making tar-filled "511" horns and crossing them over at 800 Hz (still using basically stock Altec crossovers).  This crossover was obviously too high for the 515/bins, but it worked out considerably better for the tar 511 horn than using the smaller tin can horn at 800 Hz or using Altec's 500 Hz  X/O with the larger horn.  That "metal" 811 is a ratty-assed horn, one of the worst, ever.  It's probably not usable in any way.

I don't remember the 802, but if to do it again today, I would try to "make the most of" the 808's aggressive, spitty quality.  This driver responded all over the place to various adjustments, and I cannot say that I was really systematic, with evolved objectives, during the short course of my experiments.  I would definitely re-work the crossover.  And the horn is shite.  It's hard not to think of adding channels.

Yes, Paul, you are partially right pointing some of the Altec 19 problems. I did ask the guy what kind drivers and horns the speaker had before he bought it but intend of giving a defensive answer (what I would be able to predict the sound) he begin to tell me how much the former owned loved them. I always consider that those Altec whore-intellectuals are a clueless but he I guess did not know it. His reaction pissed me off that time but now it kind of became my fault that he does not like the Altec 19. How can I explain to the guy that is I select or modify the specific configuration of the Altec 19 then the problem might be avoided. Those people think that brand and model are some kind of assurance of sound… too far from truth….

This Altec 19 has the worst horn possible – the celebrated 811 and 1200kHz crossover point.  Sure, a larger horn with larger Altec horn need to be used and driver the crossover much lower. You were very right about it. With 150W SS amps that we borrowed it sounded more like Altec 19 shall but the guy was panicking about the 811’s noise – I think he never heard it and do not know how to extrapolate it out. He is trying me to get Altec 19 from him. I have to admit that I do have admiration how they look like and I have a phenomenal place in my new home on the both side of fireplace – and they in new condition do look super sexy. If I get them I would trash this worn section and would put there a true 500Hz able driver, something like Vitavox S3 or a big Altec 9xx with 250Hz horn proper horn or, for fan, with a wooden 18 sections multicell like 1803 or alike.  Sure it would be my own crossover. What would I do with it? To listen the CNN news? I have no other needs for more speakers in my house then Macondo and MiniMe.  If it will be a big house with a lot of extra room then it does not mean that I will need to build more speakers. When I bring all the crap that I have in my storages in my new basemen it will be too many speakers/drivers per sq feet then necessary… I do not know, I like to work on this Altec 19 and to help him but he lives too far and I see no interest to do it if they are mine. They are very good to cut sushi on them though….

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-13-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 4
Post ID: 13138
Reply to: 13137
A Little Dedication

In our experiments, the more power we threw at the A7s, the better they worked.  I heard some of the original "theater" version Altecs playing with their original "dedicated" Altec amps, and these sounded considerably better; but I never got ahold of any of those to play with.  Sure, the heavy drivers in those bins ate power, obviously, but it seemed weird that the 808s' anyway, started choking up without a lot of power/headroom, too.  I could not say how much the stock x/os had to do with this.  I think I mentioned before that "doping" one's 515s was considered a rite of passage back then.  We all did it, and of course it made the cones even heavier.  The Leak "Point 1" amps I started with (about 20 wpc, pp, I think...) were no match for my A7s, that's for sure.  The better early Japanese Sony SS worked better, at least in terms of dynamics and balance.  Mine was 100 wpc, built like lab equipment.

Maybe the A19s are a job for the renovated B2?

Best regards,
Paul S

03-14-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 5
Post ID: 13139
Reply to: 13135
Altec 811b Horn Mouth & Foam
Did the Model 19's have foam around the mouth of the 811b horns when you listened to them? Apparently the original foam normally deteriorates with age. I have noticed that there is a noticeable reduction of horn coloration (honk) when the foam is around the mouth.You mentioned that the Model 19 could be improved significantly with a different horn which I am in complete agreement. Is it possible to find another horn that will fit the existing cutout in the Model 19 cabinet?   Best regards,Don
03-14-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 6
Post ID: 13141
Reply to: 13137
Have you checked whether the right crossovers are in there? These speakers may have gone strange ways as they seem to be so unused.
03-14-2010 Post mapped to one branch of Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 7
Post ID: 13142
Reply to: 13137
The hunting season is up: Cetla Ledom 91
Yes, this Model 19's have brand new foam surround and brand new refinish grills.  I know what kind rebound distortions those kind of horns create without surround foam but the miserly that they crate is much more than this. I do not know what kind crosier they have and how it performs – all my equipment is packed not.

The plot on these speakers is kind of changed. The guy stopped by in my place and listened a palace of speakers I happened  had in my home (not Macondo or MiniMe). He filed in love with them and he offered me a barter for his “horrible sounding” Altec 19.  I kind of do not need any of them but I discover in myself my deep-seated Jew innuendo and I decided to make some money. So, I desired to take this Altec 19 and here is what kind destiny I see in it.

Sometimes what I have time I will convert this Altec 19 into a truly good sounding new loudspeaker and will sell it. I will sell it honestly - people will fly to my place, listen this new speaker and will buy them they feel it will be worthy. The speaker deal will be in the Altec 19 enclosure (that I adore). The new speaker will have my own MF horn, my own MF driver, my own crossover, my own amplifier and probably my own extra channel. The cost will be nonnegotiable $50K and the speaker will have a new name: it will be called “Cetla Ledom 91”. It also will have a very cool sound that will be much more interesting than other speakers with much higher price tag. My objective are pure to made it and to sell it, nothing further, as I  have no need for second good performing speaker in my home. Consider this post as public offer of Cetla Ledom 91 for sale….

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-15-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 8
Post ID: 13151
Reply to: 13142
A Fostex wood horn instead of the ugly metal monstrum plus a Fostex supertweeter on top would give a nice look.
And you could let a 2" Radian run against a 2" Eighteensound Aluminium driver. I would be very interested in the outcome of this competition.
03-15-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 9
Post ID: 13152
Reply to: 13142
The Cetla Ledom 91 project
That is funny, I just announced yesterday about my desire to undertake “Cetla Ledom” project for somebody who would pay $50K as today I got a couple of angry emails from typical Altec bottom enters who damn be for attaching the sanctity of their favorite speaker.  What the bunch of the remarkable idiots!

From my side I would just say that when the Cetla Ledom 19 will be done it will sound noting even remotely close to Altec 19 and VERY FAR from what those audio-retards are able to understand of have accustomed to. Can you believe – to blame me for violating the Altec sanctity! What s bunch of Morons!

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-15-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 10
Post ID: 13153
Reply to: 13151
I do not see it with Fostex
 el`Ol wrote:
A Fostex wood horn instead of the ugly metal monstrum plus a Fostex supertweeter on top would give a nice look.
And you could let a 2" Radian run against a 2" Eighteensound Aluminium driver. I would be very interested in the outcome of this competition.

I have a very clear idea what kind elements I might be using in there and the whole Cetla Ledom ides is very much cleared to me. There are just two subjects that I do not know at this point: time delay for bass channel (it wouldn’t be difficult for LF) and cost-reasonable amplification of small size. To keep the speaker under $50K I would need to have application at sane level. I have some idea in there but it needs to be tried. I do not think that I will be trying it before fall or winter unless somebody would pay now and need the result now. I have no idea why I do have a good confidence that I will be able to deliver very worthy results.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-28-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 11
Post ID: 13236
Reply to: 13135
Altec 19 in my home.

OK, I have the Altec 19 delivered in my second un-useful living room. I plan to do nothing with them now and will play with them sometime on winter or if somebody will come with pre-payment. Altec 19 has one (ONLY ONE) sonic positive quality (besides look) that I will try to capitalize upon, of course making the speakers to sound very different then what it does but with desire to keep that the only one sonic positive quality unaffected.

Meanwhile it gives me a pleasure to see the audio bottom-eaters from Altec-subordinated forum to get pissed that I touched Altec 19, the speaker that the Midwest white trash esteem as the best invention after compass, gun powder, Gutenberg pres and projectile vomiting…


I remember 8 years back I was “banned” from that forum when I was trying to teach those idiots about the true sound of the Altec 19. Instead of the learning the Morons begin to ridicule me and to propose that I am deaf and ignorant. Then I banned that primitive community from my participation and the herded Altec’s dirt had nothing else to do then to demonstrate to each other who licks Altec horns with mode diligences… 

A Moron From Ohio Wrote:

“Fact is.....the 19 IS a fantastic loudspeaker system. I know it. You guys know it. He is in the very small minority that thinks otherwise......or does he really? See, I have a theory. I think that maybe the "cat" deep down inside is much impressed by the 19's sonic attributes and capabilities.....yet won't dare admit it. It is fashionable among "audio-intellectuals"......to dis that which is extremely popular and for good reason....and I stress: FOR GOOD REASON.”

No way....can someone like the "cat" admit that such a grand system could at one time be purchased by the masses.....of-the-shelf.....so to speak and they need not be engineers to own such equipment. In his little world, in order for a system to be good....or great even....it must be esoteric. (in other words.....weird).

I mean...."The Cat"...thinks he could even begin to second guess a multitude of Altec engineers? Not to mention the high praise given the system through various audio publications throughout the years?”

Hate those idiotic people!
Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-17-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 12
Post ID: 13550
Reply to: 13236
These speakers are capable of great things.
symbiotic diaphragms were never used in the 19's.  this may be part of the "bad sound" that this guy was experiencing.they used the 802-8g driver with ultra light epoxy and aluminum diaphragm that allowed hf response up to 22,000 cycles when pairedwith the tangerine radial phase plug.  at this time that was unheard of in any horn loaded speaker.  the 416 -8b woofer went down smooth to 30hz..these were true full range 2 way speakers and are legendary.  PERIOD.sounds like some of you need to get your facts straight on what drivers these speakers used...because if it did not have the 802=8g it is NOT a model 19.and it will NOT sound very good.they were the best hf drivers altec ever produced.and i think the model 19 set up properly is one of the BEST speaker systems ever made.  will run with the 60,000 dollar systems of today. just my opinion.
05-17-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 13
Post ID: 13552
Reply to: 13550
Are you catapulted from another planet?
Brad, I wonder how the posts like this are made on this site.  Did you Google Altec 19, come to my site, read my single post and decided to reply reinforcing me that Altec 19 are the BEST speaker systems ever made?  I do appreciate your comment and as the Altec 19 owner my ego had aroused.  

The reality is very far from it, still if you go to WTA forum (White Trash for Altec) and post the same then they will send you a medal. Instead of getting from them a medal you might ask then to reveal to you the dozens and dozens posts that the dirt who moderate the forum had deleted, the posts in which I was trying to educate the Morons about the Altec 19 sound. Even better, spend some time reading this site and you might understand how ridicules your comments about best speaker ever made sound at this forum.  I will open a secret for you – no one who regularly read this site care about statement which speaker is the best but they more care about your argument, those that you did not bring and will not bring, just my opinion.

Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-17-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 14
Post ID: 13553
Reply to: 13552
Please educate us
nope. i truly believe it to be one of the best and definitely without argument most innovative speaker designs ever made. sorry if you don't see that.you need to learn more about them tho, because you didn't even realize what drivers they used from the factory. perhaps you've never heard them as they are supposed to sound.  also, your white trash comments are uncalled for and harsh.  no need for derogatory statements.  so, in your opinion, since you seem to believe that you KNOW more than the " people you call white trash who like the 19s"....please tell me why you not only dislike, but seem to despise the 19s to be derogatory towards an entire group of people just because of where they were born.  thats sad man.  so you say they are MORONs....then explain why. what do you know so much about? why are they so terrible,  and what systems in the mid 70s were as good as them? please educate us....thanks
05-17-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 15
Post ID: 13554
Reply to: 13553
To be derogatory towards an entire group of people?
Brad, I call people white trash not because “just because of where they were born” but because they indicate the behavioral pattern that I associated with this phrase. I am not willing to enumerate all problems of  19s, I did it many times, not only me did it - the 19s problems are well know, just not knowledge by the people who has a need to cast anything as “best speaker systems ever made”.  Anyhow, since this conversation about nothing I will leave you to do your homework. BTW, to be derogatory towards an entire group of people is my credo. The question is - what kind group? This question does not require your answer.
 brad wrote:
please educate us....thanks

Also, brad, never you phase “us” when you are talking about yourself.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-17-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 16
Post ID: 13556
Reply to: 13554
so no one on this thread has referenced the correct driver model numbers yet for the m19. apparently you guys are the ignorant ones.i don't understand your hostility towards me and apparently any fan of the 19s.  i can't find any inherit problems with them that are as terrible as you make them out to be and nor are you qualified to be the final judge.  if you ever want to actually talk about this and list the problems i am ready to defend them, but it seems you are not interested in helping me understand why they are such terrible beasts..btw.us meant us.  not myself.  you assume that you know everything.  this may be part of your problem with accepting that the m19s are a good system.Also...everyone know that there is NO perfect speaker system. It doesn't exist. Not possible. I just want to know why you HATE the 19s so much and what problems that you believe they have?   
05-18-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 17
Post ID: 13557
Reply to: 13550
Altec Went Down Hill

Brad You are correct the model 19 does have the 802-g, but all of the 802 series drivers 802-b,c,d all outperform the 802-g. I have had everyone of them and have done real world tests with them with every type of horn and the plastic phase plug is far from best it is even almost 2db down from 500hz to 20k this means less magnet and or less gause of the magnet or a wider gap. When you A,b them they sound very good but when you have the other early 1's it is like nite and day, it is hard to say what is wrong with them, but if you had a snare drum and was hitting it with your drum sticks, it's like you have a piece of paper on the skin of the snare, the peaks are soft like a 806A driver.  Preaching Horn Religion  MSAUDIO

05-18-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 18
Post ID: 13560
Reply to: 13557
Did you make your Altec tattoo yet?

I also had all 1” Altec drivers and learned that what Altec does in those drivers it very good to sound reinforce Sarah Palin speeches during in her Midwest redneck rallies but they are hardly acceptable for serious music reproduction. Brad read too many Morons on-line about the 802’s 22,000 cycles response. I do not want to debate it – what the purpose to debate people who recite other word and communicate with marketing slogans.
The true is that the enter MF section, along with retarded Altec horn shell be trashed. It is correct: the 802, 806, 808 with plain aluminum cone and non-plastic suspension do run relatively high. To 14K-15K but then are non-usable HF.  The MF in Altec shall be driven down to sub 400Hz. The 802 has too small cone to do it and the aluminum diaphragm will crack after a week of operation in this mode. So, in reality, if one wishes to stay with Altec then it larger Altec MF driver shall be used in very different horn and a dedicated HF channel.  The 1” drivers are conditionally good only for what they meant to be used - to be crossed with second order at 1200Hz -1500Hz, unfortunately it does not work in Model 19.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-18-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 19
Post ID: 13564
Reply to: 13560
A More Rigorous Exposition
That about re-caps the Altec X/O issues in terms of range.  Regarding the X/Os themselves in terms of sound, they eat power and the are wildly non-linear, at least with the non-dedicated amps of the day and into the 70's.

I'd like to add that I cut my horn teeth on the old 811 horns, and they wound up conditioning the way I hear horns ever since.  This horn sounds like a horn up and down its range, shaping the sound with vowels that vary with frequency and SPL while adding its own metallic cast in case the vowel sounds do not bother you.  Also, no way is the 811 horn suited to go down to 800 Hz, like it did with my A7s, and the 511 horn is not suited to go down to 500 Hz.  We made our own tar 511s to use at 800 Hz, but, as mentioned previously, this X/O does not tie in with the bins, at all.

I have not used the 802, but I did have the 808s.  They are ragged, spitty and non-linear throughout their range, with HF that is worthless over 10k (it begins spiraling and sputtering, out of control, then tails right off...).  If the 808s might be used, they want "tweaking", for sure.  I never figured it out.  Stock units are painful and unnerving on axis.

Best regards,
Paul S
05-18-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 20
Post ID: 13565
Reply to: 13564
How to get rid of Model 19….
My attitude toward to it is simple – any wrong sound had reasons. In the past I was trying to educate Morons about what specifically wrong with Sound this or that let say loudspeaker.  The audio people in their ultimate wisdom get it personally, loosing ability to understand the core of specific sonic problem. So, I usually go to specific if I see a person did own home work, developed own acquired taste on the subject, acknowledge the problem and would like to hear about the proposed reasons of own sonic dissatisfaction. If a person screaming that it is “the best in the world”, absolutely ignorant about Sound and about basic ideas of loudspeakers design then there is truly not reason to convince the person that something is wrong. All answers in audio come from within yourself and I truly have no need to prove anything to anybody. For $50K I however will convert my 19s into something demonstrably good, not that I want to do it but rather because I do not need this speaker and would like to get rid of it.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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