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Legends: "Week" - last week posts, "Bold" - entered last 48 hours.
High End Munich 2023 430 
Moc 2023 430 
The future is carbon 429 
The Future's So Bright (I Gotta Wear Shades)! 429 
Macondo Loudspeaker in munich show 426 
Time vs. Money 426 
Probably not 426 
Sure It is not easy 425 
Properly Setup Acoustic System DPOLS 425 
That is much more to talk about it 425 
Listening and Hearing 425 
Reaping rewards 425 
How many wrongs make a right 425 
Well... 425 
Modern electrostats 405 
Military Intelligence? 405 
It is not so bad anymore 404 
Electrostats 404 
Higher power 404 
Sliding Scale Dynamics 404 
Sorry, ribbons 404 
Alsyvox was good 403 
At every SPL 403 
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