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04-10-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 41
Post ID: 19209
Reply to: 19208

W, no doubt, one route to happiness involves defining happiness as that which is at hand.  And this may mean that happiness is available to all, if one just knows where (and/or how) to look.  Although "inherent" value still has nothing to do with it, we can try to be civilized, keep this to ourselves.

Best regards,
Paul S

04-10-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Pinckney (MI), United States
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Post #: 42
Post ID: 19210
Reply to: 19209
Route to happiness
gets narrower with every passing year and suddenly soup starts to taste like a window frame and organs in cathedral sound boring ..
I wish there was a classical & jazz cafe nearby with book cases , full of tobacco smoke  without a single TV screen and "inherent "
smiling faces. Sound quality wouldn't have to be that good , merely adequate would be just fine. Coffee quality is much more important
, non of that Starbucks style surrogate. There could be Hungarian  days with shots of dense strong like hell small cups , Cuban days of sweet molasses
Turkish days of spitting the grains floating over the boiled  water and Polish days with cheapest coffee served in glasses with a cigarette without filter ..
There could be a tea days too...That would be a fine place to spend some time in.
Kind Regards, W
04-11-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Behind The Sun
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Post #: 43
Post ID: 19212
Reply to: 19210
Road to happiness
Well, at the end of the day it is a personal choice. I listened to that WE-Demo at High End 2012 and beside all pros /cons there was a situation which was very unique: The room was always crowded, more smiling faces than in other rooms....of course you got the usual discussions about body size, coloration etc. but the pure tone via such speakers was really totally different to all other Systems which were present at that High end Show. There were also other Horn Designs available (Avantgarde for example and some others I forgot) but none had that tone. Is it based on the drivers, the metal housing...who knows...it is definitely a kind of technology which is no longer present in western hemisphere.Maybe it can be only serviced entertainment (those were Cinema Speakers) but when yes, it makes fun compared to modern "High End".Sometimes I think, High End only has the name and the pricing, when you go to the chassis manufacturers and ask for those chassis, they are very far away from their top products. Their top chassis are mainly ordered from Professionals (for Rock groups for example) and the Shows for that kind of customers is a total different chapter, from technology, price and from technical knowledge.anyway, there is also a comment from a reviewer that there was only one room which was in a way comparable, Auditorium 23, with new, rebuilt Klangfilm Eurodyn (?), but I also listened to those and got no idea what they are good for. No idea about their pricing, maybe it is also a product for some selected customers who want simply something different (like Shindo electronics or Kondo speakers)....
1 female voice +1 guitar is not enough for me at such demos 


Kind Regards
04-11-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 44
Post ID: 19213
Reply to: 19210
Talking about those WE demos… + windows shopping
I am with skepticism treat that information about those WE demos. WE never did any interesting playback system solutions that might be stimulating in today home audio environment. At the time when WE was operational the requirements were very different. WE had some interesting elements and some interesting solutions  and it would be nice if somebody embrace them and build cotemporary installations with the best that WE offered but it looks like no one does it. Some folks try to replicate some original WE moves but they are truly irrelevant from perspective of today systems design. 
What I would like to note is that my comment was not about the WE, Roberts the whore or anything like this. I just noted that the way how the Seoul gentlemen organized his listening space is kind of illustrative to me that he did not find a way to listen his multiple playbacks in order to get his own satisfaction. When I talk about let say my Vtavox drivers I make a picture of my Macondo and my MF Milq, illustrating how I chose to use it and why. I do not shot 12 Vtavox drivers and 16 diaphragms sitting in my basement as in my view it would not be not audio but just a stupid windows shopping.
Wojtek, you might be right in your positions but to me “getting too old” does not mean to change language or façade but rather do not pay attention to unimportant and inconsequential things.  All that artificial stink that surrounds not so much WE but the PEOPLE who have a need to create the cult about WE is very inconsequential, this is what I call the Small Talk of Audio.  My wife knows that I hate Small Talk and if I force to participate I mock the conversation to very high level absurdity. Some people are not able to handle it. I do not care: do not want to be ridiculed - do not deal with me at Small Talk level.

The ‘route to happiness’ is fine. I very much understand what you mean but let presume that everyone has own definition of route to happiness’, particularly what we are not Small Talking but dealing with creative reality. I have very specific definition of what audio is and very firm conviction of what I might expect from audio.  To me audio is very individualistic things, like type of underwear I ware – it is what I feel right and no one else has any business to it. Then there is a social aspect of audio.  Many, so many people have absolutely no idea what social aspect I am interested in audio and where my interests of audio interaction lay. I had so many people in audio that I absolutely discarded after literally a few minutes of audio interaction.  Some idiots accused me in Asperger syndrome and in all other imaginable “fault” of my.  The reality is kind of different. Many years back I was visited Lars Fredel. We spent a very pleasant evening together, listening a lot of music and talking about audio and I felt that something was missing in all of it. Then Lars told me if I want to hear something very very special.  I for sure said “yes: and Lars went to his the most precious shelf and took his the dearest CD. He held it as a Christian men would care the original Christ’ Shroud. Then he played it. It was remarkable crap… and Lars with hole of his very evolved audio experience absolutely collapsed in my eyes.

For many years that type of audio interaction is very much key for me. I meet people; I ask them to play to me something that is very important to them. Listening the work and the interpretation after a few bars I draw a conclusion about my audio interest in that person. I never made any mistakes in that. Even what people come to my place and ask me to play music I do very much the same. I play the fugue from Bach- Vivaldi organ concerto BWV 596 and observe the reaction.  I want to see in the nperosn what I want to see and if I do not then I have no interests to talk with him neither about crossovers, nor about tonearms or cable elevators.

What I was saying is that from the limited information I get about that Seoul gentlemen I do not “get” that I will have any interest of interacting with him and the amount of WE toys that he collected would not make any difference for me. I have interacted with Joe Roberts and some of his dick suckers. They truly can’t afford to deal with me as I do not sell fear.  Anyhow, all that I was saying that the images of that Seoul gentlemen’s’ listening environment do send me a message of his non-seriousness.

Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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