I kind of ignorant in the subject and I decided to see what is going on in there.
I am kind of ignorant about software to play my 88kHz/24 Bit files. I play them with software I record the WaveLab 6.0. I decided to try alternative players. It looks that there are Winamp and Foobar out there and it look like both of them use the ASIO and bypass the internal Windows Kmixer.
I downloaded both of them and spent some time to customize them as in their default configuration they set to compress and to do other nasty things. How big was my surprise what I discover that both Winamp and Foobar at their very best not even remotely approach sound of WaveLab. I mean it is not that there is a “difference”. The difference in Sound is at the level of a first pressing of Mercury LP and a weather forecast of local AM station, not to mention that they picks a hell of amount of noise.
I have to admit that the newest version of Winamp has very nice facade to manage the playlist and the music library. The WaveLab’s database feature is way less sophisticated. I wonder if the WaveLab, or any other better playing engines, expose own API or interfaces. If they do I would write up my own Music Library Management Tool that would play files via the WaveLab engine. I would also have the visualization of play done more brainfully then it is done in Winamp. Some visualization in WaveLab is very good: bit monitor, phase monitor, peak monitor etc. Still, that all might be done more friendly and combined with a convenience of and comfort of the Winamp file management…
 The Cat
"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche