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06-05-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1
Post ID: 2486
Reply to: 2486
Best of the HE2006!!!

Nope, I was not there - was not interested. Really feel that wherever might go on there would not be within my interest audio. For more read my “reports” from the last shows and the reasons why I abandoned them go:

My trip to HE2004
My trip to CES 2005
My trip to CES 2006

So, what made me write about the HE2006? Phillip Mihn did.  I went today to the AA sewers and scanned a long pile of nothingness writhen by one of the HE2006's visitors. Then I read the Phillip Mihn’ reply:

Posted by Phillip Mihn on June 05, 2006 at 10:12:11
In Reply to: HE2006 report . . (long) posted by Pjay on June 5, 2006 at 09:37:13:

"This is the kind of waffling, weaselly, confused, rambling and inept reporting that keeps me from registering on this site and keeps manufacturers from taking audiophiles like you seriously."

I do not know who Phillip Mihn is but what he pointed out is very correct. However, the problem is much wider then just a confused and lost audio guy visited a hi-fi show and desisted to express his audiophile colloquialisms. I see the  problem is that any more or less audio-caviled person, with more or less evolved taste and progressed reference points, with audio IQ higher then an average equalized level of audio zombies and with advanced understanding  and demands in a audio subjects has no representation in contemporary official semi-high-end audio.

Really, the official leadership in audio industry is taken by inapt, indecent, corrupted, ignorant, dishonest and shallow individuals. The entire chain of audio professionals: distributor, dealer and most of the manufactures are juts sales. They all have bred an army of zombies (audiophiles) who are free form individual thinning and the only know to them motivation is a crowd enthusiasm. So, what that entire machine of audio Moronity does in regards to the HE2006 report? The guy does write a waffling, weaselly, confused, rambling and inept repot of his experiences and Phillip Mihn informs him about it in his reply. Did, the Morons expressed any interest or queasily about the Phillip Mihn’s motivations or took advantage to learn something about the Phillip Mihn’s view? Nope, they did not. The only think that they find in the arsenal of their interests is to ridicule and scorn Phillip Mihn. The AA’a Witch Hunt is up and who lead it? The same retarded idiots as usually… No wonder that Mr. Mihn is not wiling to register and whoever has IQ higher then size of the shoe not wiling to post there…

So, what was the best in the HE2006? The best of the HE2006 was a conformation that idiots still did not extinct in audio and the audio industry keep shaping itself up to serves explicitly the idiots' needs.

Romy the caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-06-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 2
Post ID: 2487
Reply to: 2486
Best of the HE2006: a follow up.

In response to my post above I have received an email from a Moron who blamed me in the typical foolishness that the Morons love to blame me: “You Romy do not like anything”. Of course I disregarded his email but I have to admit that among all BS that he wrote he did ask one question that I feel was very reasonable: what I expected to see as a show report.

Pretend you are a cook. You are able to cook food in a distinctive way that differentiates you from other people. Most likely it would not mean that you walk across forest, just pick the plants and just dump them into somebody's plate. Most likely you would apply some of you cooking, arrangement (or whatever) skills in order to convert the raw products into sophisticated meals. The very same applies to the audio journalist who writes those after show reports. What the purpose to walk across the rooms, writhe down what you see and make the tones of those pornographic images? Well, perhaps it servers some kinks of audio-pervert self-entertaining purpose but it has zero purpose form a point of a sane audio.

What I would like to see as the show reports would be an analyses of the results, methods and intentions, nothing less. Somebody would argue that there is not a lot of serious material at those shows, not a lot of noble intentions, not a lot of deserving results, and not one pays for having a valuable analyses. I would agree in a way but if a serious analyses and criticism were available than the show vendors would compete for it. So far the only think that they compete is to be mentioned within the current idiotic audio press, witch is a primitive goal as the results- methods-intentions the vendors spend to accomplish their competing objectives. So, what we the non-moronic consumers should do in a satiation where public shows and the reports about them are not structured for out beneficial interests? We need to discard the facts that those show ever exists. Let those industry idiots run across those demonstration rooms and expose their asses to the manufacturer’s kissing. Let the volatiles to make these pictures, write their empty idiocy and flood any internet audio sewers. It all worth as much as it cost.


"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-07-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 3
Post ID: 2493
Reply to: 2487
Point at the kiddy pool?
Romy - LOL You are better thank Jerry Springer!!!

So yes, it is quite clear that our friend "Pjay" has no meaningful audio objectives, and is quite entranced by mindless audio debauchery...while serving no purpose to "further" anything real in audio and essentially wasting bandwidth to spew his pornographic imagery and feelings...

...But while this is the case, he is hurting no one, and entertaining some.  Then Phillip Mihn directly insults him...  but for what reason?  If you walk by a mentally challenged person on the street, do you point and say "idiot!!!?"

You have your own personal blog, and clearly state that this blog is for your own entertainment...  you are free to write anything you want here to matter how insulting, hateful, or just plain rude you care to be at the moment, which I feel is different than going on someone else's turf, and blatently insulting them on no provocation of their on.

Clearly neither Phillip nor yourself should expect anything at AA other than idiocy and general time-wasting
06-07-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 4
Post ID: 2494
Reply to: 2493
Re: Point at the kiddy pool? Nothing new.

 hifitodd wrote:
So yes, it is quite clear that our friend "Pjay" has no meaningful audio objectives, and is quite entranced by mindless audio debauchery...while serving no purpose to "further" anything real in audio and essentially wastin ...But while this is the case, he is hurting no one, and entertaining some.  Then Phillip Mihn directly insults him...  but for what reason?  If you walk by a mentally challenged person on the street, do you point and say "idiot!!!?"

There is a difference between a mentally challenged person on the street and a Moronic person who put himself in a position of public expressing of his estimates. There is a different between an idiot, ignorant person and a Moron. The idiotism and ignorance are a state of inactive awareness and there are no punishable. The Moronism is completely different quality and it describes a person who expresses idiotism and ignorance DESPITE the fact that the person’s actions do imply competence and sense. I do not think that Phillip Mihn directly insulted "Pjay" or anyone else.  All that he did was informing that exactly because the consumers’ view are such a primitively- Moronic the industry allows itself to treat the consumers in the way it does. I do not see anything insulting in reciting Truth.

 hifitodd wrote:
You have your own personal blog, and clearly state that this blog is for your own entertainment...  you are free to write anything you want here to matter how insulting, hateful, or just plain rude you care to be at the moment, which I feel is different than going on someone else's turf, and blatently insulting them on no provocation of their on.

I think you are loosing very important point. Instead of demonstration to each other mannerism, admiration and compliance with the artificial rules of social acceptance I think it would be much more productive if those people demonstrate a little respect to the subject of their conversations. I think with absent of Moronity, respect to the subject and with elemental honesty with ourselves we would not need to worry about our egos or about out influence of somebody’s ego. “Insulting, hateful, or just plain rude” or perhaps juts straightforward, based upon the actual reasons and expressed with no consideration to hypocrisy, pretense and insincerity?

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-07-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 5
Post ID: 2495
Reply to: 2494
You know what Romy,

I can't disagree with you.
06-08-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 6
Post ID: 2497
Reply to: 2494
Re: Romy you need ...............
Whats a 'spinning' tonight section - that will cheer us all up.

I like those.

Ciao,Ed (the idiot bastard son)
06-08-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Pinckney (MI), United States
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Post #: 7
Post ID: 2498
Reply to: 2497
Re: Bad times for a prophets
Roman, Maaaster...
Get real, as a proper Jew you must understand that it's all about money and industry won't support 0.01% listeners like you. As a religious supporter (and I guess benefficiary) of junk based, scam & monopol oriented Microsoft why your so angry with audio scam industry operating along the same rules ?
I really like your blog .You're my guru and light in the tunnel.What a burden for the Polish guy .Please be civil and spread the good word and let go this unfruitfull anger.Peace be with you. W
06-08-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 8
Post ID: 2499
Reply to: 2498
What happen if Microsoft runs Audio Industry?

It sounds like a title from my "World Audio News Section”, doesn’t it?

 Wojtek wrote:
As a religious supporter (and I guess benefficiary) of junk based, scam & monopol oriented Microsoft why your so angry with audio scam industry operating along the same rules?

Actually I would very much applaud if the Audio Industry would operate along the same principle as Microsoft does.  I know that people in the Eastern Europe fashionably love to hate Microsoft, or at least love to bravado with their disrespect to Microsoft. I disagree with this position and generally I find that people who support the “Microsoft hating” are mostly ignorant, not rational and do not consider cost per transaction (the only thing that is important in business operations).  This is not the site where I would bring my argument pro Microsoft but there is something attractive for me in the Microsoft that I feel might be very beneficial for audio: constant identification of needs as addressing them. Let do not dive into the conversation HOW the Microsoft does it but pay attention to the fact that Microsoft does recognize the “needs” of the prospective users and then furnish the solutions for the satisfaction of those frustrations (more or less successfully). In a way any serious software company does it, not only Microsoft  but form my point of view Microsoft does it more consistently, dependably, predictably and more efficient .

Ok, now, let to see what audio industry does: they do not recognize the frustrations of users but they create within the user's awareness purely artificial frustrations that do not exist in Realty and then, the Industry provide artificial solutions to those artificial problem. Business-wise no one hurt and everything is fine but as the result the end used becomes more Moronic and more disassociated with the real goals of Audio.

So, pretend you, as a user, broke your leg. If you cured by Microsoft then they would give you a genetic tool to fix any broken bone in your body. This tool would work for a broken leg, broken back, broken jaw, broken rib and broken finger. It will not be perfect for each type of the bone but it will do a so-so job that would allow you to do the bone’s restoring fast, not expensive, efficient and with no needs for a medicine license. Also, the Microsoft would enable this "bone-fixing solution" to be used not only by you but by the experienced and knowledgeable medical doctors who have much more evolved and advanced demands then you do and who could fix your bone way more effectively then you. Those doctors would use the same Microsoft's tool as available for you but they would severally overwrite it’s functionality in order to customize the tool’s for the specific bone that YOU have broken. Microsoft would even provide to your doctor a set of the tools within the same solutions that would anable your doctor to construct own custom bone-fixing mechanism if the doctor has skills to do it and if your (your insurance) would afford it.

Contrary to this what the Audio Industry does to you if you have a broken leg. They kindly offer to you a band-aid that they place over your damaged bone. Then they explain you that the color of the band-aid is very important for the speed of your healing and they would furnish you with blue, red and green band-aids. Then they would provide you with the set of the special markers with which your nurse would draw her different geometrical figures atop of your band-aids in order to expedite your bones’ healing. Then they show you a video with a sprint-runner who won Olympic medals "despite of the fact that his mother-in-law had broken legs". They will explain to you that the sprint-runner is so good only because his mother-in-law used green with yellow stripes band-aid when hier legs was broken… As the result no one care bout the state of your bone and:

Do I have to continue?

Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
11-01-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Aracaju (SE) Brazil
Posts 51
Joined on 09-14-2006

Post #: 9
Post ID: 3069
Reply to: 2486
Re: Best of the HE2006!!!
hi romy

i disagree totally with your point of view regarding audio industry. i think first of all, what this all is abought, is to have fun listening to music. and it is VERY subjective, what is good sound reproduction, and what is not. if someone does not have the same taste of a playback as yours, and lets say likes sound of cogent, opera audio, ore what ever, what is bad with that ?
 if someone is able and happy to pay zig thousends of dollars for wilson speakers, even if they are not worth what they cost, what is the problem ? if the guys of audioindustry first of all want to earn money, and dont give importance to quality of products as they should, if consumer dont like it, they dont spend the money. thats all. its self regulating, as everywhere. is your taste measure of excellence ? there are zig millions of consumers, thousends of high-end companys, wich sale components of any level, and supply demand of consumers of all category, and anyone chooses what it likes. thats totally fine.

11-01-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Max Shatsky
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Post #: 10
Post ID: 3071
Reply to: 3069
Illness can be revealed through symptoms

I don't think there are different recordings (to please different tastes) of the same performance. What we gonna do about that?

If somebody likes "opera audio" (I've never heard about this company) can be just a symptom. Many other well correlated symptoms might be revealed if you look furher.

Whether illness is subjective or objective, you decide. Does it make any difference to you personally whether "audio industry" is declared ill or not?

(Sorry if you addressed this email to Romy only.)

11-01-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Aracaju (SE) Brazil
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Post #: 11
Post ID: 3072
Reply to: 3071
Re: Illness can be revealed through symptoms
hi max

i dont see any illness at all. i see a very healthy eccletic industry, and there is everything offered. our task, as consumers, is just to find the components that please us. and that is a pleasure, too. we buy, what we deserve.

11-01-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 12
Post ID: 3073
Reply to: 3072
Give me a break… :-(


with your further evolution in audio you might discover sometimes that there is something more to “it” then just “having fun listening to music”; that at certain level of subject understanding there is nothing subjective in audio assessments, even by different people; and that there is much more in “definition of audio success” then juts buy or sell audio elements.  It is OK that your illusory view of audio industry keeps you enthusiastic - after all, somebody needs to hold the torch of the adolescent audio excitement. “Is your taste measure of excellence?”  Well, I think the “Real Audio” opens up to a person when s/he begin to understand that it has nothing to do with taste. I think instead of “find the components that please us” you might need to review for yourself what is the purpose of those action and then try argue about the subject about witch you might not be informed at this point.

Romy the caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
11-01-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Aracaju (SE) Brazil
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Post #: 13
Post ID: 3075
Reply to: 3073
Re: Give me a break… :-(

i agree that  to reproduct music as "accurate" as possible, phisically speaking, there are probably not many ways. and most of the audio industry, they really are not following the right approach, as  their goals are really others, mainly to attend a demand of consumers, so that there can be made money. as closer we come to live music, as more we can enjoy listening a playback. but : if a "wrong" approach does make a consumer happy, so lets be it !! after all, there are still a view guys out there, that do not just produce audio equipment only with money in mind, but first of all to get as close as possible to live music, and enjoy THAT !! 

11-02-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 14
Post ID: 3077
Reply to: 3075
How consistant is consumer happiness...

 angeloitacare wrote:
if a "wrong" approach does make a consumer happy, so (...) be it !!

I wouldn't expect anyone to argue against consumer happiness even with a "flawed" system. However, I'd say that this consumer happiness would last very little because:

1) the system's "flaws" are different than the previous system's flaws -- which, latter, the consumer had identified (since he moved to another system);
2) the consumer will ineluctably understand the new system has flaws and, with time, will be led to start looking for solutions;
3) If the consumer were "audio-educated" enough, he/she would be able to identify and express these "flaws" -- but more often than not, he isn't, so the perpetual search for "better bass, soundstage, removing veils, prat, etc ad nauseam" continues...

*Identify also leads to correcting, as far as possible, the set-up of the system itself. Express means to be able to communicate the problems to others in order to get coherent support and solutions. 

*Instead, what one usually gets is, "buy a new pair of the latest XYZ Grands; they are exactly what you;re looking for."

This is a very expensive way of educating the ear to proper sound -- or how sound reproduction could/should be.

And, I believe, it's frustrating because few audiophiles are really happy with their system; at best, they convince themselves that they are -- and for how long is this possible before they go out to search further???

after all, there are still a view guys out there, that do not just produce audio equipment only with money in mind, but first of all to get as close as possible to live music, and enjoy THAT !! 
I don't know if simulating live music is the primary objective of a reproduction system...
11-02-2006 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Aracaju (SE) Brazil
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Post #: 15
Post ID: 3078
Reply to: 3077
Re: How consistant is consumer happiness...

hi greg

there is a factor to be considered. a consumer bases his buyings not only regarding quality, but also his budget. if i would be a millionaire, i certainlly would buy the best  possible out there available, without regarding pricetag. as i am not, i will buy what my wallet permits. and when i have money to spend for something better, i go look around again. thats also a driving factor someone switching equipments. to find the best products that fit our needs, is not so easy, and there really has to be blamed the audio magazines, and the industry,as they dont't write and inform moved by the truth'h, but moved by their interests, selling more magazines and product's. here comes the task to be educated, and this work is individual, some dont want to be educated abought audio, and pay 100k for wilson audios, others are more interested, and put together a playback for a view thousand dollars, that's worth the buck, and sounds accurate.  


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