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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: The most promising “best” commercial speaker
Post Subject: What produces the fumes?Posted by el`Ol on: 4/28/2008
 Romy the Cat wrote:

It does act “clean” but it a bug or a fly to enter that “clean” environment then it dies as there is nothing in there to support life. The problem also is that some bugs do not fly well in the fumes of penicillin…

Rgs, Romy the Cat

From last year´s experience I would clearly say I am that sort of bug. The question is: Did it reveal the fumes that were produced by other parts of the chain, or does the lack of precision I mean to have noticed this year, come from the fact that the Allnic is a device that can´t be sterilized so easily?


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