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In the Forum: Didital Things
In the Thread: The Museatex Bidat pages.
Post Subject: The Museatex Bidat pages.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 2/11/2008

It is always surprised me why audio people never did what FM people did. FM people crated a site: where they enumerated in very consistent format all available FM tuners (with exemption of some  pro tuners and some  European tuners) and they created the a consumer guide for FM tuners, where each addition model enters into a hierarchal stricture of subjective evaluations and available features. Certainly the FM TunerInfo site has no final authority over the tuner critiques but the structure they crated is absolutely superb and very useful. I was wondering for year why audio people never created some kind of site where would be described and evaluates, but experience testers and under the identical conditions, all available DA converters. Well, I know why it never happened. Then FM tuners is obsolete business and it is driven by a bunch of enthusiasts who have little financial sate or agenda why would like juts to peruse better results from FM tuners. The D/A converters is very much alive business driven by marketing whores where each new model released with more idiocy then desiccation of  purpose, benefit, sound and the points of reference. (I am talking about home-use DACs, not about the pro -audio DACs. The Pro DACs environment is way more civilized).  Anyhow, if would be fun to have the site available as the D/A converters is the field that might be easily brought to a common denominator of Results. All of it would give a perspective to stage of DA conversion and would act as more or less objective quality assurance tool for uninformed people.

If such a centralized place dedicated to DA converters exists then I wonder where Museatex Bidat converter would be in the list of the converter’s hierarchy. The Bidat is in a way a freak of nature, starting from it design, going over it implementation and ending up with its sound. I personally adore some Bidat’s aspects; I have written here and there in my site about the converter but I realized that I never had a dedicated thread to Bidat. As far as I know there is no dedicated place to Bidat anywhere in the web. Well, let it be…. The Bidat is very strange DAC and not well deserve some publicity and attention.

I love the DAC, own quite a few of them and currently my trio of CEC TLO, Synopsis SPIDIF and one of my Bidats squeeze out of digital the most interesting 16/44 result. All Bidat units are different; there are a lot of reasons for it. Mine is, what whatever reasons, is the good one… Anyhow, being indomitable person, I considering pushing mu luck with Bidat. I have a very specific sense of direction and actions.  What I would like Bidat to do it is be able to be more effective at the very bottom octave but (and this absolutely mandatory condition) I would like Bidat to have no changes of any kind in any other region or aspect of performance.  I would call it a surgical intrusion but I think it is accomplishable.

 I will continue the thread and more information become available.

Romy The caT

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