Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: The elusive “absolute tone”.
Post Subject: The maximum “human” tonal amplitudePosted by Romy the Cat on: 10/31/2007
The absolute tone is a relative term in term of tonality but not in term of absoluteness. If the word “absolute tone” does not make you to feel comfortable then I would suggest using a meaning of “tonal potential of playback”. Still, “absolute tone” in a way how I perceive it is very definable attribute and it is a part of TTH characteristics. I certainly cold not impose the “absolute tone” acceptance by other, but I use it very comfortably. It is important however to distinct the “absolute tone” of musical instrument and the “absolute tone” of playback and playback’s components. In playback the “absolute tone” is not the imitation of the musical instrument’s the “absolute tone” but the maximum “human” tonal amplitude that the given peace of audio can develop.

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site