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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity.
Post Subject: Yes SurePosted by Amir on: 2/20/2023
 rowuk wrote:
The whole idea of an earth wire is a path to ground if something fails in the unit. In most countries the (metal) case is attached to this pin on the power connector.
It is incredibly stupid (and in many countries illegal) to lift the earth wire and provide no path for saving your life. That is different than not wanting to use the earth in the power receptacle.

Sure, you are right , 230 volts is very dangrous
I hope it never happen to me, my pre has a connection and I can connect it to the earth.In remember old audio products from japan had no earth wire.Now all audio equipments have safety earth connection but some of them like FM have break switch at back of amplifier if i am not mistaken.This switch disconnect/connect the earth connection. FM wrote about it

 Paul S wrote:
All that has been discussed at length many times this board. It seems that people continue to confuse neutral and ground, and I agree that it is confusing. Basically, any commercial "power company" power grid supply in the US will be grounded at a service entrance breaker box, and all neutral and also any ground wires will be routed literally to ground near the service box. Again, the neutral (typically white) wire between the component and the wall outlet IS connected to the service ground. A ground wire, so-called, is to ground "stray current". Ideally, "properly made" components are star grounded, so they not only do not need a ground wire, but using the ground wire can cause a ground loop. As for grounding cable shields, I just go with what "works". In an all-balanced system, everything is grounded.

Best regards,
Paul S

PaulSure , I know it .What makes ground loop problem is more than one path and when we connect all ac cables to earth we will have ground loops.

Two thing alter the sound after a week or 10 days , 1- Ground loops and 2- magnetizing (specially in cheap digital transport and dac)I prefer to have no ground loop in my system

Most stereo systems have minimum one ground loop because of two stereo chanel will have ground loop between DAC and pre. Some think ground loop between DAC and pre is not important but I think it is important

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