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In the Forum: Melquiades Amplifier
In the Thread: Building Melquiades: Chronicle of full-range
Post Subject: Amateur things and grounding of secondary.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 6/24/2006

 hagtech wrote:
Maybe you can do the same for the bleeder resistors and wiring bundles?  That is, once you are sure it is operational.  Wires can be like guitar strings.

Actually I do some sort of things. What I am done (I’m not done yet with this monoblock) I usually drop some silicone on the intersection of the wires. Also I apply to the naked parts of chasses ever–elastic electrical patty form Home Deport. It is ugly looking, clay like patty that phenomenally dumps chasses. I stolen this idea from some manufacturers from 70s: they mounted tweeters in baffles via patty instead of gaskets. Also in this Melq I do not use any bleeder resistors. The 40H works OK in the first stage. In the bias supply I went for half way rectifier that send 30H chokes into 120Hz dropping the critical indactance. (Jack Electroptint screwed me up forgetting to put a center tap (!!!) in bias transformer and I learned about it AFTER everything was mounted and glued. Thanks, Dima save the show!)

 hagtech wrote:
The twist on the heater wires is a little tight.  You can actually take this too far.  A medium twist seems to have best cancellation of mag fields.  Like maybe 2 turns per inch.  Hard with such thick insulation. 

Thanks, I will take it under consideration with second monoblock. I thought the tighter it would be the better. Dima propose a very kinky way to introduce a virtual center tap for AC hearers that drop noise form AC filaments dramatically bur this Melq turned out to be dead silent, so I did not employ anything beside juts ordinary better grounding techniques, using just common sense instead of not existing knowledge.

 hagtech wrote:
I've also heard that black insulation is the worst.  I have yet to prove this myself, but some reputable experimenters have come to the conclusion that there must be something in the black dye (carbon?) that screws it up.  Other colors ok, white is best.  I think it must be a dielectric thing as with capacitors.  Air is best, then teflon...

I did not know about it but ironically I do not use black insulation tape. If I need to use insulation I always use a tape that I use to use to tape the things to the shooting background of my studio (it un-glue form paper without damaging it). The problem with that tape that it dries out and loosing its glue-ablilety. So I apply a layer of the black electrical tape atop of my regular tape, juts to hold the thigh together….

BTW, Jim, what it your view about grounding of secondary in output transformer? I keep secondary lifted in the Super Melq as I have in there 6 phase switching relays and I did not want to think about grounds in there. In this single Melq I might ground secondary. In the past I was trying to assess it subjectively and I felt that grounded secondary sound a bit softer. I still did not reach any final decision, as this new Melq is too fresh to sound reasonable.

The caT

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