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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Designing and building a 5 channel horn loaded (looking for directions on my way)
Post Subject: Nearly there!Posted by kodomo on: 3/7/2016
I have my passive crossovers arrived. They are built by hornFabrik. Everything is up to the spec I asked for and I really like their build quality. As of yesterday, I have now a more promising sound towards what I have aimed for. They are first order built specifically for my drivers and their responses after me measuring the hell out of them. The result was worth my time and the cost is justifiable for me.

The main horn system has small relative attenuation work which I can easily do as the crossovers boards are designed to accommodate changing resistor on r1 and r2 very easy. I also have the fostex autoformer on the 200 hz horn.
The main thing to work on will the integration of the dual Tad bass units to the room. They will be on the outside like this but their perfect position and the panels I built to work with them has not yet been implemented. As usual I am going slow, and will be testing them in a lot of different positions and listen to them enough to have an honest opinion.
Here is the first day setup after crossovers with everything in order (except the room is not yet finished).

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