Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity.
Post Subject: We are all screwed.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 10/2/2014
A few days back I went to a meeting of Boston Audio Society where Dr. Wacks read lecture about electricity industry tendencies and it's transformation toward smart grid. It is not that I have any interest in smart grid but I was curios to ask Dr. Wacks a few questions about electricity quality that I have no answers. Dr. Wacks is for sure is well credentialed person:
…it was not far and I figured: why not? The Boston Audio Society is a tricky place to be. They are" idiots with diplomas", have incredibly low audio capacity and frankly their talks make me want to puke after 15 seconds.
Dr. Wacks read his presentation that was pretty much irrelevant to the subjects of audio. The questions about electricity and audio he did not even understood. What kind of piss me off that he did not even make an effort to understand the subject and this people is the one who is at the wheel of the electrical industry. Well, we in audio for sure are screwed...
The most memorable even of the entire evening was some kind of older gentlemen come to me and comforted me before I leave. He said that I shall not be worry about electricity as if I replace my PS caps from electrolytic to paper then I will not be frustrated with  electricity any longer. How little they knew what I was thinking at that time, but I did think that it would be nice if the roof of the building would collapse and all of those idiots would never upon their mouths about audio again.

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site