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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Mastodont DIY Rack: Wall Mount?
Post Subject: Mastorack cont.Posted by N-set on: 7/26/2013
Paul, as you write the pendulum effect is unfortnately unavoidable if one wants the leveling
freedome of spikes, so I try to live with that. I looked at Walker...tjaa....$1750 for a record clamp...
I also saw how he works on his suspension (look at my post in the Proscenium idiocy)...disqualified!
I plan to mod the spikes, but basicaly only for the looks, the pendulum is there whether you want it or not:


Romy, thank you for the comments.

 Romy the Cat wrote:
That is why I feel that racks are pretty much the road to nowhere.I meant the acoustic aspect of racks road to nowhere. The furniture, the continence of the racks is very nice future and shall not be discarded.

This is something I try to stick to. The marinated slate did add a great deal or refined, intelligent elegance to the construction.
No glossy graveyard pretensions of e.g. granite (which is on top of tht poorly damped:

 Romy the Cat wrote:
You might want o look in eBay for pneumatic vibration Isolation legs. They come in set of 3 or 4 and might cost over $1000. Ironically the same legs might be listed much much chipper. Look for those that have no industrial look and work at over 80psi. It is nice if they are self-setting: you would need a compressor for it.

I ws looking a lot on optical table supports, but "the real thing" is costly and I'm reluctant to buy 2nd hand. Insted I've chosen the
vibraplane road and will use simple air bladders a la vibraplane:

It will be passive, but with time I can think of adding self-lefeling valves. It's all like a Lego.

 Romy the Cat wrote:
If I were you I would make easy extendable wings from sides of the top plates, perhaps under an angle Trust me, very soon the top shelf will be loaded with CD boxes, records, and anything ease imaginable….

I very much agree, that's why I've used all the space I had between the chimneys. There will be some sort of a shelf above the rack too.

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