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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Romy The Cat's new Listening Room
Post Subject: It has absolutely nothing to do with proper audio objectivesPosted by Romy the Cat on: 7/5/2012
 Jorge wrote:
Having listened to your system I am very interested in a comparison between live music and something similar (quartet) sounding in your playback, on the same room,  you state that live was "too high resolution" and that for playback you needed a more "dead" room.  Can you give us a more detailed descrption?

A close friend recorded in his room a jazz singer with electric guitar on RTR and then played it back,  there was not a huge difference!  Full horn system did help!

Old WE cinema systems were often used against live orchestras playing in the cinema.... Would have loved to listen to that!

In contrary I very much disagree that playing live music, recording it, playing it back and compare results serve any meaningful purpose. On surface it looks like right thing to do and it is what has been practicing in audio for the last 130 years. But if to gig a bit deeper then comparing live and recorded sound in the same room is the stupidest thing one can imagine in audio and it very much contradict what audio is all about.

I am not surprised however that your friend had such bad result playing back his jazz singer with electric guitar. To make it realistically more or less the same is VERY difficult to do but once again – even if you do it then it still has absolutely nothing to do with proper objectives of audio.

I am not sure what you are asking when you are asking about more detailed description. I think it is very obvious. Live string players would like to play in reverberant space where the sound of the string acoustically amplified and enriched by the reverberation. I do not have a lot of it going in my
listening room…

The Cat

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