Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Midbass impedance bumps -- why and what to do?
Post Subject: You need to stop deceive yourself.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 10/25/2011
Herman, how I did it is not the subject for imitation or following. If you insist that you need to “start somewhere” then the best you can do is stop bothering your with all those BS concepts like mouths size, compression ratio, drivers brands, quarter space vs. full space. At this point they are juts buzz words for you and you are trying to toss them like placing cards feeling that it gives any meaning for your thinking. In reality is just sends a message that you are nowhere near where you need to be if you want to “start somewhere”.

The point that I am trying to make is: stop to polite your mind with meaningless buzz words and deal with the problem as you face them. I have no idea what you are trying to do but if you are planning to build up some kind of acoustic system then start from planning, sketching and drawing. Who care what are your questions or your thoughts about quarter space, resonance frequency or compression ratio are if all of it has no context. Please, not take it personally and do not take it as a criticism. You are not forming any meaningful question worthy answers, and you not form it not only to other but the most important to yourself. I personally tend to discard any efforts if I feel that they are just tire kicking and do not have any substance behind, which is ironically would be 95% of internet audio posts….

Rgs, the Cat

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site