Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Off Air Audio
In the Thread: Forward in the past with old radios.
Post Subject: How to Approach the "Problem"Posted by Paul S on: 2/24/2011
It may be that the souind we want from the old radio is non-aggressive and capable of tenderly re-stirring the sense of things as they "were", which is to say, as we "remember" them. The radio is a tuner, an amp and a speaker or speakers, so it ought to be possible to manipulate the sound to find out what "works best" for the purpose. I have been disappointed with the sound from the table radios I have heard, including all the "special" Crane, etc, numbers that people wax so lyrically about with their "recommendations". For instance, I certainly "recommend" that one actually listen to the Tivoli, etc. before buying. It does seem like we are asking rather less from a table radio; but still it has a "job" to do, and in the end it will be just as determined as any other vehicle we might enjoy, or expect to enjoy. It might take a while to balance the "memories" with the expectations. Basically, it is hard to systematically let go of - let alone erase - all subsequent experience, so there needs to be a meeting of the minds.
Best regards,
Paul SRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site