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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity.
Post Subject: Bass deficienies on power linesPosted by Jorge on: 12/5/2010
Well,  thanks for the heads up, I was planning on giving myself a PP2000 for Xmas, now I have to re think this.
I used to have a 10Kva Isolation transformer and a DIY sort of Line conditioning system with a bunch of nice 4.7 mfd caps between Positive and Negative, It sounded fine with tube amps, but when I added a FET 10 phono preamp it had absolutely no bass!!!
I tried everything I could, from changing VTA on my TT to changing suspension, cones etc. After the advice of a local friend I took off the Line conditioner and the bass was back,  but the Isolation transfomer gave out a "whitish" sound, like pale with no colors...
Eventually I got rid of everything a got a nice breaker box to put right next to my system, I hooked the power cables directly to the breakers and the sound was good. Now I plan to hard wire everything!  But I have had a terrible time with power this last 3 weeks.

I think this is too important to leave it in the hands of a "company" and their idiosyncrasies.

Also I am really puzzled by this bass defiencies with the caps on the power supply, I will try to make some tests to follow it further.  It would be wonderful if we could place our Xovers on the power lines!  jajajajja

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