Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Macondo’s Midbass Project – the grown up time.
Post Subject: Sanding prep for livingPosted by scooter on: 9/11/2010
If you are going to be sanding in your living quarters, I strongly recommend that you:

1) cover the ENTIRE rug in the room; you will never get all of the dust out of the rug and will ruin most any home vacuum cleaner (alternatively you can just purchase a new rug when you finish)

2) seal off all doors and closets with polyethylene tarps and tape

3) seal all of your electronics, CDs and records likewise

Don't be duped into avoiding this prep work. These steps may seem like a trivial pain in the neck but trust me from experience, the sawdust is incredibly difficult and time consuming to remove. Else you will find sawdust in the refrigerator, the freezer, your bed, your library. . . 

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site