Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Macondo’s Midbass Project – the grown up time.
Post Subject: Status report #....Posted by Romy the Cat on: 7/28/2010

Both mouths are ready and glued and this is very good sign.  The mouths are largest and the most complex pieces that hold 2 cords – it will be one section. I am talking about mouths being ready but they look like nothing. Sure, they are  but they are VERY far from beeing truely ready – they are just the plywood skeletons. However, they already have shapes and now we need to juts add to the shapes the frames, jointing harnesses, second layer of plywood or damper and so on…



I discovered today that my carpenter cut corners here and there, sometimes he does not pre-wet the surfaces sufficiently before he glue it, sometimes doe not put enough glue, sometimes does not use screws properly  and some make some other technological misbehaves. It is hard to assess if it all might manifest itself in weaker result. I kind of understand his – it is just another job foe him. To do it properly it need to be a labor of love. I would like to make this horn myself – I would really enjoy doing it. With my current state of health it would probably take for me a year to do it and would cost me a few cut fingers. Anyhow, let see how it goes… 4 sections out 14 are is not done but at least the external skeletons are glued.

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site