Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Chinese upperbass horn.
Post Subject: Now you are getting to the real crux - crossover points...Posted by Jeffrey Jackson on: 8/20/2005

naloxone nalorphine and naltrexone

naltrexone and naloxone difference read
and this is the huge decision.. although Steve and Rich's drivers do have the potential for extremely wide bandwidth, I feel that the first decision when designing a horn speaker is to decide how many horns and the corresponding crossover points.. then pray that suitable drivers exist.. if not, then make them... 

traditionally in modern horn home hifi, the 500 cycle crossover point is observed and 1" exit Be or Al diaphragmed drivers are used from 500 to the top of their range.. sometimes supertweeter is thrown in... but the real problem is what to use below 500.. as Romy pointed out very well, this is usually a 15" woofer that is poorly horn loaded to 200Hz and then used as a drastically shelved down direct radiator from 200 down.. bleh!  We can do better...   

so what Romy is proposing is a straight horn that plays from 50 to 500.. and I hope he can design/build one.. it is a difficult task.. you need to the top end to extend at least another octave up for crossover purposes and that is a task.. what you need for 1kHz is way different for what you need at 50Hz.. my horn doesn't sound all that great at 1kHz, although it measures well to that frequency.. personally, I found that the lower I could push that crossover frewquency, the better my system sounded.. the more you can cram into that mid horn the better.. and you still have to deal with what goes below 50Hz... Rich's monster bass horn is one solution...

Personally, I think that 3-way is possible.. and and I want to maximize that midhorn.. yes, make it large.. I have been working on a 180Hz flare.. so I hope to get a solid 250Hz from it and up to 5kHz minimum.. any great tweeter can take over from here.. (too bad there aren't many great tweeters).. so, anyway, with the basshorn only having to play to 250Hz, it can be made slightly larger.. and hopefully play slightly lower.. I'd like a basshorn for my three way that plays low enough that it doesn't require a sub for most music listening.. sure, you know you are missing the last octave, but is it VERY enjoyable? I am hoping so.. I was never able to integrate a sub into my current system.. not without killing the life.. and I tried one of the craziest overbuilt drivers I could find.. that multiple shorting ring monster that JBL built for Revel.. 

so, I don't really know the "answer", but I think that you should get the midrange right first and then work outward from there... that has always served the music best at my house.. so now you know my biases.. I love dynamic contrast and I am a midrange slut.. ;^)


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