Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity.
Post Subject: The Egyptian Empire, Parthia, Romy, dogma and scientific progressPosted by oxric on: 3/20/2010
 Romy the Cat wrote:
I do not like the idea of batteries for anything. It is kind of ridicules to use batteries. Yes, in some cases there is some improvement on low voltage electronics but it is ONLY because the power lines are badly sounding to begin with. You would never see a person who has god sounding power lines to go with batteries – never. Batteries are a white flag of the fight for good sounding electricity.  Batteries are an oxygen mask – it good for a short experiment or to prove a concept but you won’t run Boston Marathon on it…

The Cat


Much as I agree with a lot of what has been said by those more knowledgeable than me in this very interesting thread, again I  find one of its main contributors to be in the way of interesting debate on a key issue, the use of batteries for part or the entirety of a playback system seeking high  quality  reproduction without being subject to the whims and uncertainty of our mains power supply. And again that's you Romy.

The solution does not have to be a partial or even a temporary solution, or one which is limited by time, even in an all-out set-up, like yours. I have copied below a link which shows an early proponent of battery power supply who has since added more batteries to give in practice a permanently available source of battery power for an entire system. see pg 12 of the 6moons industry feature of Kevin's of Living Voice battery supply (a commercial offering in the UK, albeit at substantial cost).

Batteries will not of course cure any  inherent weakness in a playback system. I am not hereby advocating such an extreme and expensive approach, but the point is that your objections to batteries do not bear close scrutiny as a matter of fact.

What I would like is see more intelligent discussion of the role batteries can play in an audio system like yours. I remember presciently wondering how useful it would be if a manufacturer would offer a way of easily and making use of batteries in one's system and then discovereed that the first company I approached with this idea (Vinnie of Red Wine Audio) was going to bring just such a product to market the folowing month. Again, I have no vested interest in this company, or its products, as their limitations don't offer me what I need (a lot i.e 220 v for the HT of a tube pre-amp, but that's the subject of another thread). Nonetheless it does show that whether one has a substantial budget and can  afford the Living Voice solution, or a limited one so that only a partial (or potentially total) solution such as Red Wine Audio's is within  reach, the possibilities are there. You have yourself mentioned how difficult if not downright harmful many of the advocated regenerators and conditioners, and 'voodoo' power  cables can be so i would have thought you would have welcome which address the problem at its root and in a manner that is fairly conclusive.

Incidentally, as I write this entry, I am listening  to Mozart , a complex piece which is played on a partially battery driven system. I use two Sonnenschein 12v gel batteries for the amplification (an Audio Consulting MIPA 30)

Again, you will notice I make no claim for the performance compared to systems clearly better to mine, but the level of satisfaction I derive is certainly of a high order.

I combine the  above with a little known pre-amp, the Pass Aleph L,which is passive up to 3 o'clock on the volume control at whih point the volume control itself drops out of the signal path (see pg 3 of the manual).

As you can see, on a meagre budget (in relative terms) one can obviate the needs for expensive regenerators or/and the need for a separate mains spur (which I had installed at my previous place , and then promptly had to move house!).

Nonetheless, I have givenserious thought to the Purepower PP2000i and admits that i have provisionally placed an order for one! It's not that I am an hypocrite Romy, but the possibility of having a clean power supply irrespective of equipment choice waste too alluring to resist. So thankyou all for the discussion of the PP2000i but I think you should discuss the potential of batteries, it's amazing what they can do and i have a big project which involve them, in powering as I mentioned above, an all-valve pre-amp/phonostage. Dont's discard them.

So what is it with the abtruse reference to the Egyptian empire, Parthia and dogma. Well, batteries can be traced back to 4300 years ago by Egypt first and used again 4000 years later by the Parthians. I think a rather dogmatic Romy (see the Cat on the calls of the pyramids?) of ancient times discouraged them to pusrsue this technology further. And we all know what happened to both empires don't we? And how the same force brought them to their knees. Why? And what has it got to do with batteries? A lot I would say...


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