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Topic: I do not take those types of the books very seriously

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Posted by twogoodears on 10-20-2011

Wishing to share a much enriching and entertaining (music-related) reading.

Posted by Romy the Cat on 10-20-2011
Yes, I have seen you posted it at your site. I just ordered the book and I presume that it will be entertaining as those types of the books usually are. However, I do not take those types of the books very seriously. In fact I have a few year ago a similar book written in 50s and I did not even read a half of it. I am sure Oliver Sacks would make it more like script of Hollywood film.  Let see….

Posted by twogoodears on 10-20-2011
Hi Roman... thanks for consideration - i.e. reading my Blog;-), something not everyone at yr. Forum does;-) - in the case this book will end like that "La Bamba" disk you quite hated, months ago, I publicly subscribe to purchase from you both - a.m. disk and Sacks' - if unwanted/unpleased... I (sincerely) felt guilty you was so much disappointed from that joke of a percussion CD, as far I'm only writing about what I like, on not-commercial/personal taste basis... excluding my recent "Yard-Sale", of course;-)

All the VERY best, 

Posted by Romy the Cat on 11-02-2011
I read a couple of dozen pages and it was very much how I expected it to be and I do don’t like it. It is not that the book is not entertaining. It is, it made to be entertaining intentionally. However, the Oliver Sacks take on what I consider is “interesting” is very much not something that I care. Mr. Sacks recognize “impact” of music as a fact and he advance his views base upon this fact. I rather see the musical impact as a ceremony and all my mentally -disturbed little world of my interest is perfectly live inside this ceremony. I kind of care less what brain lobe and what neurons is responsible for it. I might hear or read about it but it truly has no practical interest to me. So, in the end I got bored with this book. Perhaps I need to make effort to read it to the end but why…?

Rgs, the Cat

Posted by twogoodears on 11-02-2011
... could prove worthwhile, Roman... without any hypocrisy I must admit that reducing the deepness, the emotional storms happening at several levels while listening to music to proteins interactions and neuronic chatting and/or some kind of synapses overload, well... I agree with you: what you call "ceremony" I call it "the untold", the shivers, the magic... and both the above and who knows how much more remains untouched and unrepresented in Mr. Sacks' book.
Entertaining, yes... illuminating... not really.

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