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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Bye-Bye, Fane
Post Subject: Do not expect any big changes but…Posted by Romy the Cat on: 4/21/2011
 Jorge wrote:
I dont expect any big changes on my system with them, but i want to be surprised!

If you have a good 10’ driver then going with the same horn to 4” and 8” Fane will give you some advantage. You will pick up some EQ at lower knee and more “size” and “gravitas” of upper bass. Also, I think you use S2 driver, so with Fane 8M you will have output from your MF at absolutely at the same amplitude (109dB) as your upperbass and with the same driver impedance you will be able to drive both MF and upperbass with no multi-amplification. It would be interesting to keep 2490 for perspective fundamental channel in order to prevent upperbass to drive all the way up to 1000Hz.

The Cat

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