Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Bye-Bye, Fane
Post Subject: British audio archaelogy and the master excavatorPosted by oxric on: 4/13/2011
 Romy the Cat wrote:
I am glad that Fane “now found … that they have sufficient old stock of the 8 ohms or 16 ohms voice coils to”. Such a phenomenal discovery of the British archeologists.  Can you ship them here in US, they can help us to find Jimmy Hoffa, can they? The thing is left to figure out why people want so desperately have 16R voice coils?

The Cat

Yes, Romy, you can be as sarcastic as you like. But the person at Fane who gave me the information seemed not to have checked with the production manager, and as they are so busy having just come back from the show in Frankfurt, I think the error is understandable. How many times have you yourself changed your mind or findings, or made errors?

As to why people are interested in the 16 ohms drivers, that is only true of some. The idea is that if the Vitavox S2s are being used, and a single amplifier to drive the different channels, it seems to make sense to go for 16 Ohms drivers. I think you have said as much yourself, although this issue is now immaterial in your system, given that you are using DSet amplification.

With regard to British audio archaelogists, I think that you will find it hard to deny that your Macondo system owes a large debt of gratitude to them. Do I really need to enumerate? Vitavox S2s and S3s, Vitavox AK15/40, Fane 8Ms, Tannoy 10" reds, even the tractrix curve...You are indeed a master excavator in having dug all these jewels of British audio to use in your Macondo acoustic system.

Best regards

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